JEA's H2.0 Purification Program

JEA provides an estimated 401,000 customers with over 120 million gallons of safe, high-quality drinking water every day. While we have sufficient water supply now, a growing population and economy will increase demand in the future. With the H2.0SM Purification Program, we are preparing for the future to provide a long-term sustainable and reliable water supply for our customers.

However, conservation alone will not be enough. We are enhancing our conservation program to help our customers save more, but the future will require additional water supply.

The video below illustrates how JEA water sustainability efforts are ensuring a reliable water supply for generations to come.

Water Supply Today

Our water supply comes from a vast underground source called the Floridan aquifer. It is our best and most cost-effective source. However, the aquifer is a finite resource and JEA is approaching the permitted withdrawal limit. An alternative supply is needed in addition to the aquifer to meet the needs of our community.  
Learn How JEA's Water System Works

Water Supply Options for the Future

There are several possible solutions for ensuring a sustainable water supply in the future. While JEA has already implemented robust conservation initiatives, additional conservation from our customers will be one part of the solution. A second part of the solution is continued expansion of JEA’s large reclaimed water system where reclaimed water is used for irrigation instead of potable water. Both of these efforts help to reduce the amount of water our customers use.

The final part of the solution is an alternative water supply. While surface water treatment or desalination are options, they both come with high costs, complexity, and environmental impacts. Another option for JEA, known as water purification, further purifies available reclaimed water to drinking water quality. The purified water can then be used replenish the aquifer. Returning water to its source allows JEA to increase production from the existing wells and existing water treatment facilities.

H2.0 Purification Program

Planning for JEA’s water purification program began in 2014. The three-phase, multi-year program consists of pilot testing, demonstration and implementation. JEA has branded the water purification program, H2.0, as a nod to the 2.0 version of JEA’s water (H20) supply. The first phase began with pilot-testing two industry-leading purification technologies in 2016. The research was a cooporative effort with the St. Johns River Water Management District, focused on identifying sustainable water resources to support the needs of the state. In 2019, following an extensive evaluation of both technologies, performance and cost, JEA selected the membrane-based purification process for future phases of the program. The multi-barrier membrane-based process consists of a combination of established treatment methods, including membrane filtration followed by reverse osmosis and ultraviolet advanced oxidation.

The next phase of the program is a 1 million-gallon-per-day demonstration center to showcase the ultra-high purity water and purification technology, while engaging the public and stakeholders in this process. The H2.0 Purification Center is currently under construction on Jacksonville's Southside. The center will house this industry-leading process, educate visitors, train JEA employees and help us ensure a sustainable water future for Northeast Florida.

The Benefits of H2.0

JEA’s H2.0 Purification Program results in numerous benefits to the community and the environment, including:

  • Long-term water supply resiliency and sustainability while protecting the aquifer for future generations.
  • Continue producing safe water produced in a cost-effective manner.
  • Increased available groundwater supply by replenishing the aquifer.
  • Continue our commitment to environmental stewardship by maximizing the use of available water resources.
  • Reduced conveyance of water to the St. Johns River while complying with state legislation regarding sustainability.
  • Maximize the use of available water resources while also directly reducing the unused volume of water conveyed to the St. Johns River (as required by Senate Bill 64 - Elimination of Non-Beneficial Surface Water Discharge).

At JEA, public health and safety is our highest priority. With the H2.0 Purification Program, we continue our role as a leader in ensuring a safe, reliable, locally controlled water supply – essential for healthy environments, robust economies and a high quality of life.

JEA H2.0 Purification Center

In September 2023, JEA started site clearing and earth work for the construction of the JEA H2.0SM Purification Center. This state-of-the-art education and research center will be constructed at 7599 Southside Blvd.

The one million-gallon-per-day purification center will showcase purification technology and engage the public and stakeholders in this process with a visitor education area. The Center also will serve as a training facility for JEA staff and industry leaders.

Learn More About Construction

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