Electric Savings


JEA offers rebates to commercial customers making energy efficient upgrades for the following measure types.

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Closed Title: Lighting
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JEA offers rebates for qualifying lighting equipment and energy efficiency improvements which will reduce your energy use for years to come. Lighting often accounts for 40 to 70 percent of a building’s energy use. Improving your facility's lighting is one of the most cost-effective steps that you can take.

More information can be found on the Lighting Technical Sheet. The Lighting Equipment Worksheet must be filled out and uploaded to each project. These resources can be found on the Resources page of the online application portal.

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Closed Title: HVAC
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JEA rebates are offered for many types of energy-efficient heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) technologies to reduce your energy use leading to savings on your utility bill for years to come. The rebates are for commercial customers who purchase qualifying HVAC-related equipment. The rebates will help offset your initial cost of the investment. More information can be found on the HVAC Technical Sheet for these measures. Technical sheets and all related equipment workbooks can be found on the Resources page of the online application portal.

  • Unitary HVAC – includes packaged and split units, packaged terminal air conditioners and heat pumps.  More information can be found on the.  The HVAC Equipment Workbook must be filled out and uploaded to each project. 
  • Variable Frequency Drives – variable frequency drives vary speed of motors to match the exact load of HVAC equipment needed at the time so that excess energy is not used during times of below-peak demand.  As mall reduction in load is an exponential reduction in energy consumed, which leads to exponential reductions in your energy bill!  The VFD Equipment Workbook must be filled out and uploaded to each project.  
  • Chillers – chillers can consume more than 50% of energy using during seasonal periods of buildings use.  Upgrade you air cooled or water cooled chiller and receive rebates for meeting minimum efficiency levels in addition to performance-based rebates based on the efficiency of your new chiller. The Chiller Equipment Workbook must be filled out and uploaded to each project.
  • HVAC Tune-Up – accumulation of dust and debris on coils can lead to rising energy costs in addition to health and safety hazards.  Additionally, having an improper amount of refrigerant, or “charge”, can waste energy because air conditioners must run longer to to achieve the same degree of cooling as properly charged equipment.  JEA offers rebates for an HVAC tune-up that includes coil cleaning and an optional check of refrigerant charge.  The HVAC Tune-Up Equipment Workbook must be filled out and uploaded to each project. 
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Closed Title: Other High Efficiency Equipment
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  • Refrigeration - for high efficiency measures that can keep your refrigeration equipment operating more efficiently.
  • Water Heaters - upgrade to more energy efficient water heating equipment. Energy-efficient water heating lowers your overhead by decreasing energy costs while increasing reliability. High-efficiency water heaters use 10 to 50 percent less energy than standard models.
  • Cool Roof and Window Film - for the installation of qualifying reflective window films and cool roofs that will reduce your energy use leading to savings on your utility bill. Weatherization is one of the most cost-effective ways to make a business more energy efficient.

More information can be found on the High Efficiency Equipment Technical Sheet. The High Efficiency Equipment Worksheet must be filled out for applicable equipment being applied for an uploaded to each project. The resources can be found on the Resources page of the online application portal.

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Closed Title: Custom
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For energy saving measures that are not listed as prescriptive, JEA provides customers rebates “custom” measures that show viable energy savings backed up by energy savings calculations and other supporting documentation. Custom measures include those that are new, innovative and emerging technologies or may be site-specific and require further analysis of energy savings between baseline and proposed measures. Examples of custom measures include:

  • Variable Refrigerated Flow HVAC
  • Chiller Optimization projects
  • Energy Management systems
  • Industrial Process Improvements
  • Variable Frequency Drives on non-HVAC end uses

Rebates for custom projects are $.05/kWh saved and are capped at a one-year payback.  More information can be found on the Custom Technical Sheet. Technical sheets and all related equipment workbooks can be found on the Resources page of the online application portal.

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Closed Title: Small Business
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JEA offers small businesses enhanced rebates and that cover up to 75% of the total project cost for eligible customers. Small Business Trade Allies will discount your project cost up front by the rebate amount, so you never have to be out-of-pocket for that portion of the project cost. Small Business Trade Allies will provide turnkey support, handling ordering or equipment and installation so that you can concentrate on running your small business.

View our current JEA Business Rebates Program Trade Allies.

Eligible customers are on a general service (COM20) commercial rate, with 75 kW of demand. To see if you are an eligible small business customer, click below for JEA’s Small Business Eligibility Lookup tool. You will need your JEA account number and zip code.

Small Business Eligibility Lookup

Technical sheets and all related equipment workbooks can be found on the Resources page of the online application portal. Rebates are capped at $100,000 per year per customer tax ID across all electric measures.

Technical sheets and equipment workbooks can be found on the Resources page of the online application portal. To submit an application, please click the link below:

Electric Efficiency Online Application Portals

Accordion Item
Closed Title: Trade Allies
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JEA offers small businesses enhanced rebates and that cover up to 75% of the total project cost for eligible customers. Small Business Trade Allies will discount your project cost up front by the rebate amount, so you never have to be out-of-pocket for that portion of the project cost. Small Business Trade Allies will provide turnkey support, handling ordering or equipment and installation so that you can concentrate on running your small business.

View our current JEA Business Rebates Program Trade Allies.

Eligible customers are on a general service (COM20) commercial rate, with 75 kW of demand. To see if you are an eligible small business customer, click below for JEA’s Small Business Eligibility Lookup tool. You will need your JEA account number and zip code.

Small Business Eligibility Lookup

Technical sheets and all related equipment workbooks can be found on the Resources page of the online application portal. Rebates are capped at $100,000 per year per customer tax ID across all electric measures.

Technical sheets and equipment workbooks can be found on the Resources page of the online application portal. To submit an application, please click the link below:

Electric Efficiency Online Application Portals

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