JEA Board Approves Fuel Charge and Water/Sewer Rate Decrease


Jacksonville, FL - Today, the JEA Board of Directors approved a fuel charge decrease and to eliminate the approved water/sewer service availability and environmental rate increases that were scheduled to go into effect October 1, 2012.

The current variable fuel rate charge of $47.74 will be lowered to $43.60 per megawatt hour effective July 1, 2012. This will lower the monthly electric charges by $5.18 for the residential customer who uses an average of 1,250 kWh.

JEA’s cost for the fuels it uses for electric generation have declined recently; in particular, the price of natural gas is down most significantly. This rate decrease is due to JEA’s fuel diversity and excellent operating performance, which have allowed JEA to shift more towards natural gas. And in 2012, JEA expects 63 percent of electric generation to come from low-cost natural gas; this is four times more generation from natural gas than in 2007. The variable fuel rate is set annually during the budget process.

The JEA Board has also voted to reduce the previously approved fiscal year 2013 rates that were scheduled to be become effective October 1, 2012. This JEA Board action has eliminated the approved increases in residential and commercial service availability charges and environmental charges, while maintaining volumetric rate increases for commercial, as well as for residential use in excess of 6000 gallons/month.

The water/sewer savings are:

  • Monthly Service Availability Charges - $3.80 for 5/8” metered service or $5.70 for a ¾” metered service
  • Environmental Charges - $1.56/month for 6000 gallons/month usage for $0.13/1000 gallons for each for water and sewer

JEA is the seventh-largest community-owned electric utility in the United States and one of the largest water and sewer utilities in the nation providing electric, water and sewer service to residents in northeast Florida. 


  • corporate
  • customer
  • fuel credit
  • rates

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