Building For The Community


We’re investing in our facilities and plants, expanding capacity to accommodate population growth and adopting new technologies to better serve our customers today and for generations to come. Infrastructure upgrades also are preparing JEA to comply with state and federal regulations. Explore information below on JEA’s capital projects exceeding $25 million.

Accordion Item
Closed Title:Arlington East Water Reclamation Facility
Open Text:
Arlington East Water Reclamation Facility
Arlington East Water Reclamation Facility

Project Objective

Facility is JEA's second largest water reclamation facility, treating 20 million gallons per day. Will serve as the source of water for H2.0 Purification Center. Project will upgrade influent structure aeration basin, primary clarifier, and blowers. 

Project consists of: 

  • High-level disinfection basin and ultraviolet disinfection equipment
  • Two three-million-gallon reclaim water storage tanks
  • Two electrical buildings
  • New plant process water pump station
  • Chemical feed building
  • New laboratory building 

Phase 1 expansion was completed for $19.5 million from 2015-2020. 

Construction Timeline:

Construction Completion Date: January 2028

Project Budget:

Phase 2 expansion bids due November 2024; estimate, $97 million

Accordion Item
Closed Title:Black Ford Water Reclamation Facility
Open Text:

Project Objective

Plant expansion and additional reclaimed water facilities are required to meet the future flow projections and reuse water demands due to the growth in St. Johns County. 

Current Capacity: 6 MGD
Expansion Capacity: 12 MGD

Engineer: Ardurra Group

Construction Timeline:

Sept. 2028: Estimated completion date

Project Budget:


30% Design Estimated Construction Cost: $200,879,103

Accordion Item
Closed Title:Buckman WRF Upgrades
Open Text:
Buckman WRF Upgrades
Buckman WRF Upgrades

Project Objective

Buckman Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) is JEA's largest WRF, treating 30 million gallons per day (MGD). It includes a centralized Residuals Management Facility that processes biosolids from Buckman and eight other WRFs, and produces Class AA Pellets. Operating since 1958, the majority of the mechanical equipment and the building have reached the end of their usefulness and require replacements. 

Several capital projects will update and rehabilitate Buckman WRF, including new biosolids handling (construction 18% complete). The new facility will consist of:

  • A new two-story sludge thickening building
  • A new thickening bulk polymer storage and feeding building
  • A new magnesium hydroxide storage and feed building
  • A new three-story biosolids dewatering building
  • A new electrical switchgear building
  • A new warehouse building
  • Other miscellaneous facilities, including a filtrate pump station, a central pump station, and a thickening facility odor control system

Other projects include:

  • Blower system improvements (completed 2022)
  • UV system improvements (completed 2024)
  • Replace existing fine screens (completed 2024)
  • Sludge holding tank rehabilitation
  • Biosolids facility rehabilitation 
  • Aeration basin air header and diffuser replacement
  • Operations / maintenance building replacement (construction 98% complete)

Engineer: Carollo Engineers
Contractor: Wharton-Smith

Construction Timeline:

Jan. 2020: Construction start date
Jan. 2028: Estimated complete date

Project Budget: 

March 2024: $377,229,828.27

Accordion Item
Closed Title:Greenland Water Reclamation Facility
Open Text:
Greenland Water Reclamation Facility
Greenland Water Reclamation Facility

Project Objective

The Greenland water reclamation facility will serve customers and support growth in Jacksonville’s Southside. The facility will treat water for an area initially serving 22,800 sewer customers in a region near the new eTown development. 

Once operational, the plant will have the capacity to process 4 million gallons of wastewater a day. JEA plans to expand the plant’s capacity in order to be prepared to support the area’s growing population in coming years.

The facility will be JEA’s first new water reclamation facility in Duval County in 45 years.  

The Greenland facility will allow JEA to continue in its sustainability mission. All of the plant’s effluent will be used for reclaimed water, which will initially service 5,700 customers for their irrigation needs. 

Construction: Haskell 
Engineering: Jacobs Engineering

Construction Timeline:

March 2022: Construction start date
Q2 2025: Estimated completion date 

Project Budget:


Accordion Item
Closed Title:Greenland Water Reclamation Facility Pipelines and Mains
Open Text:

Project Objective

The project will upgrade and expand infrastructure surrounding Greenland, installing 30,000 feet of 30-inch reclaimed water main from the Greenland Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) to the Nocatee area. The Reclaimed Water Main is the effluent discharge pipe for the future Greenland Water Reclamation Facility that is under construction.

This project is critical to provide reclaimed water to current and future JEA reclaimed water customers in the Nocatee and Twin Creeks areas, and to accommodate future customers along US-1. This reclaimed water pipeline will serve to convey 100% reclaimed water from the Greenland WRF, as it is planned to be a zero-discharge facility. 

Construction Timeline:

xx: Construction start date 
Spring 2024: Estimated completion date 

Project Budget:


Accordion Item
Closed Title:H2.0 Purification Center
Open Text:
H2.0 Purification Center
H2.0 Purification Center

Project Objective

The center will serve as a training facility for JEA staff and visitor center to educate the public about the water cycle and purpose of the purification process. The center will further purify reclaimed water so it can be used to replenish the aquifer. The process is similar to what nature does through rainfall - only with a smaller footprint, in a shorter amount of time. 

Design-Build: Haskell, Black & Veatch
Contractor: Haskell

Construction Timeline:

Oct. 2023: Construction start date
Oct. 2025: Expected completion

Project Budget:

$83.5 million

Accordion Item
Closed Title:Nassau Water Reclamation Facility Upgrade
Open Text:

Project Objective

Projected growth in Nassau County demands that we expand the Nassau Water Reclamation Facility (WRF). The current wastewater flow projections predict that the plant will exceed its current capacity in 2025. Based on these projected wastewater flows, JEA decided to construct a new 2 MGD water reclamation facility with future plans to build out the new facility to 4 MGD by 2035 and take the existing 1.5 MGD MBR facility offline.

The project scope consists of a new headworks, (2) 1 MGD oxidation ditches, (2) secondary clarifiers, (2) disc filters, UV disinfection, effluent pump station, 1.5 million gallon reclaim water storage tank, sludge holding tank, Waste Activated Sludge (WAS) and Return Activated Sludge (RAS) pump station, blower system, Deep Injection Well (DIW) reclaimed water injection infrastructure, (3) electrical buildings, (3) splitter boxes, operation building, maintenance building, yard piping, duct banks, roadways and parking, and lighting. 

Engineer: Hazen & Sawyer
Contractor: Haskell

Construction Timeline:

Jan. 2021: Construction start date 
Feb. 2025: Estimated completion date

Project Budget:


Accordion Item
Closed Title:Southwest Water Reclamation Facility
Open Text:

Project Objective

JEA's Southwest Water Reclamation Facility treats wastewater from Jacksonville's Westside. Expansion of the facility is needed to replace aging equipment and facilities within the plant and expand the permitted average capacity from 10 MGD (million gallons per day to 16 MGD. 

The expansion will include two new four-stage Bardenpho aerated sludge treatment trains with internal recycle, two (2) new secondary clarifiers, and a new, larger ultraviolet (UV) effluent disinfection system.  Provisions will be included to allow for future expansion of a third treatment train and clarifier, as demands increase due to population growth.  

Improvements to the existing treatment system will include installation of an expanded plant headworks with screening, grit removal and odor control, new return and waste activated sludge pumps and expanded sludge holding tank capacity.  Construction will include a new administration building with laboratory, a new maintenance workshop, and two new electrical equipment buildings. Site improvements will include parking for staff as well as increased flex area for equipment storage for storm response equipment and provisions for future electrical vehicle fleet parking and charging stations.     

Construction Timeline:

2001: Construction start date 
Q1 FY26: Expected completion date

Project Budget:


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