JEA Meets Fiscal Year Goals


Jacksonville, FL - JEA’s workforce completed the best operational year on record, for a third year in a row, based on electric, water, and sewer reliability, workplace safety, environmental and financial metrics.

JEA’s continued emphasis on safety resulted in JEA’s OSHA recordable incident rate (RIR) for this year of just 1.49, which is among the very best in the utility industry. In fact, the current industry average for Public Sector Utilities is 6.2 injuries per 100 employees. This translates to a savings of $2.5 million over what an average utility spends on recordable safety incidents. Most importantly, this means safer employees despite the inherently dangerous work many do each day.

In addition, JEA ended the fiscal year at 6.9 percent below budget, a savings of $25 million. JEA’s allocated operating budget was $368.3 million. This aggressive management of expenses better positions JEA to reduce utility costs to customers. 

As such, in June, the JEA Board of Directors approved the elimination of the previously approved increases in commercial and residential service availability and environmental charges that would have taken effect October 1, 2012. At that same meeting the Board voted to lower the Variable Fuel Rate. 

In May, the Board approved a one-time pay for performance plan should employees achieve set goals in workplace safety and cost reduction. Actual savings realized by achieving these pre-established goals in both these key areas would allow for any payout to be funded through savings accomplished by the superior performance. Based on the exceptional year, JEA employees will receive a one-time payout of $1,250. This year’s goals generated more than $27 million in savings at a cost less than $2.4 million.

JEA is the seventh-largest community-owned electric utility in the United States and one of the largest water and sewer utilities in the nation providing electric, water and sewer service to residents and businesses in northeast Florida.


  • board
  • corporate
  • electric
  • rates
  • sewer
  • water

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