JEA Celebrates Arbor Day with Tree Planting and Named Tree Line USA Utility


Jacksonville, FL - JEA and Greenscape of Jacksonville are celebrating Arbor Day on Friday, April 26, with a tree planting at 1 p.m. at Walter Jones Historic Park and Mandarin Museum and Historical Society, 11964 Mandarin Road Jacksonville, FL 32223. 

This coincides with JEA being recognized as a 2013 Tree Line USA utility by the Arbor Day Foundation. This is the second year in a row of recognition for JEA. 

JEA achieved the Tree Line USA award by meeting five program standards: following industry standards for quality tree care; providing annual working training in best tree-care practices; sponsoring a tree-planting and public education program; maintaining a tree-based energy conservation program; and participating in an Arbor Day celebration.

“JEA works hard to maintain the balance of providing safe and reliable electric service, while respecting the passion many customers feel about our community’s expansive tree canopy,” said JEA Managing Director and CEO Paul McElroy.

JEA has on its staff six certified arborists and four degreed foresters. JEA maintains more than 729 miles of transmission lines and 6,547 miles of distribution lines in its electric system. On the water and sewer side, JEA has 4,208 miles of water lines and 3,708 miles of collection lines.

JEA is the seventh-largest community-owned electric utility in the United States and one of the largest water and sewer utilities in the nation providing electric, water and sewer service to residents in northeast Florida. 


  • conservation
  • corporate
  • environment

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