JEA CEO Candidates Narrowed


Jacksonville, FL - At a public meeting held today, the JEA CEO Search Committee discussed and selected the following candidates as finalists for the position of JEA CEO and Managing Director:

  • Joseph G. Belechak – former Senior Vice President, Nuclear Fuels, Westinghouse Electric Company
  • Paul E. McElroy – Chief Financial Officer, JEA

From all candidates considered, six were interviewed by the search committee this week. In July, the finalists will be interviewed by the entire Board and a schedule will be set for a final decision.

The committee, a subset of the JEA Board of Directors, includes Ron Townsend (Committee Chair), Ashton Hudson, Cynthia Austin, and Mike Hightower.

At the January 17, 2012 JEA Board meeting, it was announced JEA CEO and Managing Director Jim Dickenson had presented his intent to retire letter. That same month the search committee engaged, Mycoff, Fry and Prouse, a national executive search firm, to help identify appropriate candidates for the CEO/Managing Director position.

JEA is the seventh-largest community-owned electric utility in the United States and one of the largest water and sewer utilities in the nation providing electric, water and sewer service to residents in northeast Florida.


  • board
  • corporate

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