Explore Payment Options Built to Fit Your Needs

We understand that sometimes you're faced with unexpected expenses and could use more time or some assistance to pay your bill. JEA has bill pay solutions and utility payment assistance for families and individuals struggling financially.
JEA considers the following before granting a payment extension or arrangement: customer's payment history, length of time as a JEA customer, past-due amount, any active payment plans and/or payment arrangements, age of past-due amount, timeliness of prior payments, JEA credit score (read more), bankruptcy status, evidence of tampering, and evidence of fraud.
Payment Extensions
If you need a little more time to pay your bill, you can apply for an extension online*. Our self-serve system will let you know if you qualify and give you a new due date, if approved.
If you don’t have an online account, you can register for a jea.com account now.
Payment Arrangements
JEA also offers payment arrangements, allowing customers to pay their balance over a series of monthly installments. The installment amount is then added to future monthly bills. Visit our self-service system to find out if you're eligible, determine the required down payment amount, and apply online.
Before you begin, check out our Payment Arrangement FAQs.
Apply for a Payment Arrangement
Guest Pay

Guest Pay is a great option for someone who wants to make a payment on behalf of a JEA customer.
This payment option is only available to customers with an active account using their bank account or debit/credit card for payment. Deposits to start service may not be paid through this option.
Community Resources
In some cases, an extension or arrangement may not offer the financial relief you need. If you are facing a financial dilemma, you can also request assistance through additional resources in our community.
Explore Solutions and Save
Learn about all the ways JEA helps Northeast Florida families, businesses and our community thrive and how we can help you do more.
Related Links
Understand My Bill
Confused about all the charges on your JEA bill? We’re here to help.
Changes in Habits and Consumption
Many people think the worst when they see a higher than average utility bill. The good news is high bills aren’t always caused from a leak and/or equipment failure. There are other contributing factors that can increase your usage that you may not be aware of.
Water Spikes
If you think you have a water leak, you can check your water meter to determine if there is a problem. Once you have determined you have a leak, check the following items.
Bill Breakdown
This table explains each charge on your utility bill. It also breaks down consumption based on 1,000 kWh of electric service used and 6,000 gallons of water.
Electric Spikes
Most electric bill increases are related to your heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) system as it is responsible for up to 40% of your electric bill. If you determine your electric usage is what increased your bill, the following are the items you should check.