Account Security
JEA is concerned about your cyber-security. Protecting our customer’s information is a top priority. In response to the ever increasing cyber-security threat, we have implemented tighter controls around our customers’ accounts. We now requiring complex passwords and the use of a CAPTCHA to validate that the person accessing an account is the person who should be accessing that account.
Customers often ask, "What’s the worst that could happen if someone hacks into my JEA account?" Once inside your JEA online account, cyber thieves can collect various pieces of information to steal your identity and use it for a range of scams.

JEA Secures Your Personal Information
We have implemented multiple layers of technology supported by security processes and frequent security assessments to proactively find and remediate vulnerabilities. Including:
- Independent third party reviews conducted by security firms with expertise in ethical hacking and testing of online systems.
- Ongoing scanning and monitoring to protect against known security risks.
- Application vulnerability assessments.
Making My Online Experience Secure
- Use a complex and unique password and change it frequently (for password best practices see below).
- Safeguard Your Personal Information such as Social Security number, account numbers, and driver’s license number (never provide your Social Security number to anyone unless you have initiated the request).
- Never answer emails asking you to verify account numbers or passwords.
- Always ‘logout’ and close your browser when you have completed your online session.
- Only provide your account information and password when your browser indicates an encrypted connection. This is indicated by https:// in your browser’s address bar.
- Keep informed on the latest cyber-security threats by accessing the Federal Trade Commission’s Consumer Protection Site.
- Install appropriate anti-spyware and anti-virus protection software on your computer to help detect and remove known viruses and spyware that can steal personal information.*
- Install a personal firewall to help prevent unauthorized access to your computer.*
- Keep your operating system and software up-to-date by installing recommended patches and updates regularly.*
Password Best Practices
Strong passwords are extremely important to prevent unauthorized access to your electronic accounts and devices. The objective when choosing a password is to make it as difficult as possible for a would-be intruder to identify it, whether by educated guesses or automated attacks.
Password General Guidelines
- Contain 8 or more characters (the longer a password is the more secure)
- Contain characters from each of the following three groups:
- Letters (uppercase and lowercase) A, B, C,...; a, b, c,...
- Numerals 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
- Symbols (all characters not defined as letters or numerals) ` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + - = { } | [ ] \ : " ; ' < /> ? , . /
- Be significantly different from your other passwords.
Do Not Use
- Your username or any part thereof
- Name(s) of yourself, family, friends, or pets
- Birthdays or other personal information such as addresses or phone numbers
- A set of characters in alphabetic or numeric order (ex. abcdef), in a row on a keyboard (ex. qwerty), or a simple pattern (ex. 123123)
- Words that can be found in a dictionary
Never share your password with anyone. You should also change it at least every 3 months.
*Unless you feel confident that you can execute this task yourself you may want to consult a professional for assistance.
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