Stages of a Water/Wastewater Development Project


JEA is now accepting all Water/Wastewater development submittals via our JEA SagesGov platform. When planning a new commercial, residential or industrial development that is within a JEA service territory, the first stop is here. The JEA Development Process will take you from planning to the acceptance of your project by following the steps below.

If you have not already done so, you will need to set up a free account in JEA’s SagesGov program. All of the instructions outlined below are for processes now executed in SagesGov.

JEA SagesGov

JEA SagesGov Training

Step 1: Initiation 

Planning a project? Before you begin, you will need to ensure the utility services you need are available.

Accordion Item
Closed Title:Service Availability Letter Request
Open Text:

To ensure that JEA is the service provider and has the capacity available for your project, the JEA Water and Wastewater Planning Department will verify the closest locations for Water and Reclaimed Water distribution systems and Wastewater collection systems. 

To request this letter, navigate to Step 1 and then select Service Availability Request. The letter will let you know if JEA is your service provider and will include potential points of connection to JEA’s system and a tracking number, or the JEA Availability Number.

Accordion Item
Closed Title:Update Existing Availability Letter Request
Open Text:

If your existing Availability Letter needs to be updated for any reason, navigate to Step 1 and then select Update Existing Availability Letter Request

Accordion Item
Closed Title:As-Built Drawing/GIS Map Request
Open Text:

To request an As-Built Drawing or a GIS map, navigate to Step 1 and then select As-Built/GIS Map Request. Soft digs are required prior to construction to verify actual location and depths of utilities.

Accordion Item
Closed Title:Hydrant Flow Test Application
Open Text:

To request a Hydrant Flow Test, navigate to Step 1 and then select Hydrant Flow Test Application.

Accordion Item
Closed Title:Sewer Locate Application
Open Text:
To request a Sewer Locate, navigate to Step 1 and then select Sewer Locate Application.

Step 2: Planning, Design and New Service Applications

During the planning and design phase of your project, we are here to work with you. If you need to meet with us please request a Development Meeting. A JEA Development Plan Reviewer will be assigned to your project to review it for completeness, constructability and conformance with the JEA Design Guidelines and Standards. 

Once the planning portion of your project has been completed, you are ready to submit plans for review. A JEA Development Plan Reviewer will be assigned to your project to review it for completeness, constructability and conformance with the JEA Design Guidelines and Standards.

You will need your Availability Number to access Step 2. 

Accordion Item
Closed Title:Force Main Connection Pressure Letter
Open Text:

If you are connecting into a JEA force main you will need a Pressure Connection Letter to complete your design.

To request this letter, navigate to Step 2 and select Force Main Connection Pressure Letter Request. You will need your Availability Number to access Step 2.

Accordion Item
Closed Title:Alternative Connection Request
Open Text:

If you are requesting approval on a design that is outside of our documented guidelines - or - if you are requesting to install or connect to a low-pressure sewer system you will need approval from the Alternative Connection Team.  

To request this approval, navigate to Step 2 and select Alternative Connection Request. You will need your Availability Number to access Step 2. 


Accordion Item
Closed Title:Development Meeting Request
Open Text:

We strongly recommend applicants schedule Development Meeting to discuss conceptual water and wastewater requirements for any project other than simple taps. For large (greater than 200 lots), complex or phased projects, a development meeting is mandatory. 

If you need to meet with the Water/Wastewater Development Team for any reason please request a Development Meeting. You can also request other JEA teams be present in this meeting (Electrical, Real Estate, Metering, etc). 

To request this meeting, navigate to Step 2 and select Development Meeting Request. You will need your Availability Number to access Step 2. 

Accordion Item
Closed Title:Residential New Service Application
Open Text:

Residential New Service Applications are applicable for if you are requesting service for one residential address or multiple residential addresses (Bulk Builder Application). Simply select which option you need during the first step of the application. You can apply for water, sewer, irrigation, or reclaimed irrigation service.

To submit this application, navigate to Step 2 and select Residential New Service Application. You will need your Availability Number to access Step 2. Once your application has been approved you may submit payment.

Accordion Item
Closed Title:Commercial New Service Application
Open Text:

This application is applicable for commercial customers to request water, sewer, irrigation, reclaimed irrigation, or fire service. If you are requesting a meter that lies within a meter bank please provide the requested flow for the service you are requesting and include the backup calculations in the attachment section of the application.

To submit a Commercial New Service Application, navigate to Step 2 and select Commercial New Service Application. You will need your Availability Number to access Step 2. Once your application has been approved you may submit payment.

Accordion Item
Closed Title:Multi-Family New Service Application
Open Text:

This application is applicable for multi-family service customers to request water, sewer, irrigation, reclaimed irrigation, or fire service.

To submit a Multi-Family New Service Application, navigate to Step 2 and select Multi-Family New Service Application. You will need your Availability Number to access Step 2. Once your application has been approved you may submit payment.

Accordion Item
Closed Title:Special Estimate Request
Open Text:

To determine the cost of the service tap for a project, if you are requesting JEA install the service, please request a Special Estimate. You should receive a response within 10 business days. Special Estimate responses expire after 30 days. The following are reasons a tap would require a special estimate. 

Reference: Water and Sewer Rate Document Section 104 (need link)

  • Main depth greater than 8 feet
  • Water main taps greater than 20 inches
  • Water taps greater than 2 inches
  • Sewer taps greater than 6 inches
  • Pavement less than 5 years old
  • Required work within FDOT, St Johns County, and Nassau County right-of-way
  • Multiple services being installed
  • Low Pressure Sewer Service Connections
  • Installation of Sewer Vacuum Pods
  • Approved commercial plans

To submit a request for a Special Estimate, navigate to Step 2 and select Special Estimate Request. You will need your Availability Number to access Step 2.

Accordion Item
Closed Title:Plan Submission
Open Text:

To submit a plan set, navigate to Step 2 and select Plan Submission. You will need your Availability Number to access Step 2.

Please ensure that:

Accordion Item
Closed Title:Infill Layout Submission
Open Text:

To submit an Infill Layout, navigate to Step 2 and select Infill Layout Submission. You will need your Availability Number to access Step 2.

Accordion Item
Closed Title:Request a Residential Flow Test
Open Text:

If your Availability Letter indicated that there was no capacity in the 2-inch water main for your residential connection and you would like to order a flow test, you can request a Residential Flow Test. JEA will review your request and if your addition is close to the limit, they will work with you to process your request, collect payment, and determine if there is availability to tie into the existing main without adversely affecting existing customers.

To request a Residential Flow Test , navigate to Step 2 and select Residential Flow Test. You will need your Availability Number to access Step 2.

Accordion Item
Closed Title:Cost Participation Agreement
Open Text:

If JEA has indicated to you that they would like to cost participate with you on a project, please apply for a Cost Participation Agreement as soon as possible. If you would like to know if JEA would cost participate with you, please schedule a Development Meeting and indicate that as a topic you would like to discuss. We will research this request and be ready to discuss it with you at your meeting.

To apply for a Cost Participation Agreement,navigate to Step 2 and select Cost Participation Agreement. You will need your Availability Number to access Step 2. 

Accordion Item
Closed Title:Developer Agreement
Open Text:

If you would like to know if JEA would enter into a Developer Agreement with you on your project, please submit a Developer Agreement Application as soon as possible. You will also need to schedule a Development Meeting and indicate that as a topic you would like to discuss. We will research this request and be ready to discuss it with you at your meeting.

To initiate a Developer Agreement, navigate to Step 2 and select Developer Agreement. You will need your Availability Number to access Step 2. 


Step 3: Permits and Real Estate

Before construction can begin, we will work with you to get your water and/or wastewater permits approved and issued, as well as address any real estate needs you may have. Please be sure your shop drawings are approved prior to requesting a pre-construction.

During the construction phase, we work with you to ensure your project is constructed to meet the JEA requirements. Please be sure to keep us informed of any design, or construction site changes. 

Once the planning and design portion of your project has been completed, you are ready to submit for your permits and Real Estate needs to get ready for the construction phase of your project. 

You will need your Availability Number and approved plans to access Step 3.

Accordion Item
Closed Title:Permit Determination
Open Text:

JEA Water: Installation of pipe diameter 12-inch and less that is greater than 40 linear feet (LF) in length - OR - if serving multiple buildings under the same water meter within Duval County - OR - more than one potable meter associated with the project.

JEA Sewer: Installation of pipe diameter 12-inches and less that is greater than 40 LF in length - OR - installing JEA manholes or pump stations within Duval County. (No on-site sewer)

EQD Sewer: Installation of sewer pipe greater than 12-inches - OR - the installation of any private sewer utilities within Duval County. Does not include projects that cross the Duval County line into neighboring counties.

Accordion Item
Closed Title:Submit Water & Wastewater Permits
Open Text:

To submit Water and Wastewater Permit applications, navigate to Step 3 and select Permit Determination, then select Water & Wastewater Permit Submittal. You will need your Availability Number and approved plans to access the Step 3 tiles.

If JEA issues your permit, you will have that number issued to you within SagesGov. If JEA signs off on your permit, you will receive that document back through SagesGov . Once your permit is issued by the other agency, please upload it into the SagesGov program as soon as possible so that your project can continue to the next step.

Accordion Item
Closed Title:JEA Permit Extension Request
Open Text:

If you have a JEA permit and you need an extension,navigate to Step 3 and select Permit Determination, then select JEA Permit Extension Request. You will need your Availability Number and approved plans to access Step 3.

Please be sure to do this a minimum of 15 days prior to your permit expiration date so that we can be sure it does not lapse.

Accordion Item
Closed Title:JEA Permit Transfer Request
Open Text:

If you are transferring your JEA permit to a different owner, navigate to Step 3 and select Permit Determination, then select JEA Permit Transfer Request. You will need your Availability Number and approved plans to access Step 3.

Please be sure to do this as soon as you have a different owner so that it doesn’t delay the next steps in your project timeline.

Accordion Item
Closed Title:JEA Permit Modification Request
Open Text:

If you are revising your plans and are not sure if the revision will require a JEA Permit Modification, navigate to Step 3 and select Permit Determination, then select JEA Permit Modification Request. Please answer a series of questions to help us determine if you need to modify your permit. You will need your Availability Number and approved plans to access Step 3.

Please be sure to do this prior to submitting your revision for review, so as to not slow down your project.

Accordion Item
Closed Title:Shop Drawing Submittal
Open Text:

If your project includes a JEA Lift Station, a Bulk Reuse Station or a Vacuum Pod you are required to submit shop drawings.

To submit Shop Drawings, navigate to Step 3 and select Shop Drawing Submittal.  You will need your Availability Number and approved plans to access Step 3.

Accordion Item
Closed Title:Approved Plan Revision Submittal
Open Text:

If you are revising your project plans at any time after approval you must submit a revision.

To submit a Revision, navigate to Step 3 and select Approved Plan Revision Submittal. You will need your Availability Number and approved plans to access Step 3.

Accordion Item
Closed Title:Easement Approval Request
Open Text:

If you are planning a JEA Easement for your project, it must be reviewed and approved by JEA’s Real Estate team prior to recording. 

To submit an Easement Form, navigate to Step 3 and select Easement Approval Request. You will need your Availability Number and approved plans to access Step 3.

Accordion Item
Closed Title:Hold Harmless Agreement
Open Text:

If JEA has informed you that your project will require a Hold Harmless Agreement, the Use of JEA Real Property Application must be submitted for review and approved by JEA’s Real Estate team. If approved, JEA’s Real Estate team will provide a Hold Harmless Agreement that must be executed and recorded.   

To submit a Use of JEA Real Property Application, navigate to Step 3 and select Hold Harmless Agreement. You will need your Availability Number and approved plans to access Step 3.

Accordion Item
Closed Title:Plat Approval
Open Text:

JEA’s Real Estate team must review and approve all Plats where we are accepting dedicated infrastructure prior to recording.     

To submit a Plat, navigate to Step 3 and select Plat Approval Request.  You will need your Availability Number and approved plans to access Step 3.

Accordion Item
Closed Title:Temporary Construction Easement Request
Open Text:

If your project requires a Temporary Construction Easement (TCE) to complete construction as designed you will need to get this reviewed and approved by JEA’s Real Estate team prior to recording and scheduling a Pre-Construction Meeting.

To submit a Temporary Construction Easement Request, navigate to Step 3 and select Temporary Construction Easement Request. You will need your Availability Number and approved plans to access Step 3.

Accordion Item
Closed Title:Deed Submittal
Open Text:

JEA’s Real Estate team must review and approve all Deeds wherein JEA is being granted a parcel of land containing infrastructure prior to recording. 

To submit a Deed, navigate to Step 3 and select Deed Submittal. You will need your Availability Number and approved plans to access Step 3.


Step 4: Construction

During the construction phase, we work with you to ensure your project is constructed to meet the JEA requirements.

After JEA Development approves your project all applicable permits are in hand, easement and shop drawings have been approved, if applicable, you are ready to proceed to construction.

You will need your Availability Number, approved plans, and if applicable approved shop drawings and Temporary Construction Easement (TCE) to access Step 4.

Accordion Item
Closed Title:Request Pre-Construction Meeting
Open Text:

To request a Pre-Construction Meeting, navigate to Step 4 and select Pre-Construction Meeting Request.  You will need your Availability Number, approved plans, and if applicable approved shop drawings and TCE to access Step 4.

Accordion Item
Closed Title:Scheduling Inspections
Open Text:

Please allow a 72-hour advance notice for taps, pressure tests, and any other project milestones that were discussed during the Pre-Construction Meeting. 

To request an inspection, navigate to Step 4 and select Inspections. Select the type of inspection you would like scheduled.  You will need your Availability Number, approved plans, and if applicable approved shop drawings and TCE to access Step 4.

Accordion Item
Closed Title:As-Built Submittal
Open Text:

To submit project As-Built drawings, navigate to Step 4 and select As-Built Submittal. You will need your project availability number, approved plans, and if applicable approved shop drawings and TCE to access Step 4.

If you don’t have access to the project in SageGov you will need to get the EOR to add you as a collaborator.

Accordion Item
Closed Title:Permit Certificate of Completion (COC)
Open Text:

To submit these applications, navigate to Step 4 and select Permit Certificate of Completion (COC) from the Step 4 options listed.

The following must be completed prior to submittal:

  • Applicable Certification of Completion application 
  • JEA As-Built Approval Letter located in the As-Built tile
  • For Water Mains Only: Bacteriological test results no more than 60 days old approved by JEA inspector in inspections tile
  • Pressure test results approved by JEA inspector in Inspections tile

If JEA issued your permit you will have that COC document issued to you within the SagesGov program.  If JEA signs-off on your COC application, you will receive that document back through the SagesGov platform. Once your COC is issued by the other agency please upload it into the SagesGov platform as soon as possible so that your project can continue to the next step.

Accordion Item
Closed Title:Pre-Acceptance Letter Request
Open Text:

If you are trying to pull a building permit in St. Johns County, you will need to present them one of the following:

  • JEA Project Acceptance Letter: To receive both your permit and your CO
  • Receipt showing you have paid for JEA services: To receive both your permit and CO
  • Pre-Acceptance Letter: To receive your permit (Your project must be under construction to request this.)

To submit a request for a Pre-Acceptance Letter, navigate to Step 4 andselect Pre-Acceptance Letter Request.

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