Electric Development
At JEA, we work hard to be easy to do business with.
When it comes to electric development, we like to start things off with a short, face-to-face meeting to discuss your project needs and answer all your questions. The best time to have this meeting is when your development plans are 90 percent complete. We will talk about streetlights and checklists, supplying the forms needed to prepare your submittal packet. For a quick overview, review our Process Map. As always, don't forget to call before you dig.
To arrange your pre-submittal meeting, please email JEA’s Electric Development Design Manager at elecdev@jea.com. Print your submittal packet yourself using the links below to review at your first meeting.

Document Packets
Underground Electricity for Residential Development
Underground Electricity for Apartment Development
Underground Electricity for Commercial Development
Easement Requirements
Real Estate Conveyance Checklist
Streetlight Options
View Streetlight Options
We are pleased to offer 20 options for street lights.
Supply Chain Resource Hub
JEA is taking a proactive approach to meet ongoing supply chain challenges and taking steps to meet local development needs.
Related Links
Electric Facilities
JEA operates five power plant sites in Jacksonville, has an ownership interest in a power plant in Georgia, and purchases power locally from a solar field and a landfill gas facility. Diversity in fuel mix is very important in providing reliable, economical and environmentally-sound electricity.
Five Year Plan for Electric Projects
JEA Electric Five Year CAPEX Projection ($'s in 1,000s) Asset Categories Managers FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24 FY25 Distribution Various $73,338 $63,375 $56,591 $57,922 $60,222 Substation & Transmission Various $56,769 $40,102 $30,952 $37,886 $37,630 Generation Various $29,316 $33,852 $54,927 $46,613 $38,112 Subtotal $159,423 $