Claim Resolution Policy for Businesses

We understand that you have experienced property damage and that you believe JEA may be responsible. If we are responsible, we are sorry and we want to promptly and fairly compensate you for your loss. To evaluate your claim, we must determine how the incident happened, whether or not we caused it, the extent of your damages, and what the law considers fair compensation. Below you will find frequently asked questions about filing a claim with JEA.

It is JEA’s policy to respond to customers' claims promptly and fairly. We evaluate each claim case by case based on the information you provided and our investigation, which may involve the review of records, interview of employees or witnesses, and a technical evaluation. This can take some time, depending on the complexity of the incident and the quality of the information that you provide. Our goal is to reach a decision about the claim within one week of receipt. However, if there are complex issues involved or if we need additional information, the process may take longer. When the investigation is complete our claims service company will notify you of the conclusion.

File a Claim

In the event you experience property damage caused by JEA’s operations or vehicles, please contact JEA's Risk Management Claims department at (904) 776-7352, or send an email to the following address to report your claim: (please note this address is case-sensitive). If you have an existing claim and are in need of an update/status, please use the same contact information. JEA Risk Management hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET.

Who is Responsible for Damages?

Generally speaking, JEA is only responsible for damages that result from its negligence or JEA's employee negligence. We are not responsible for damages that we do not cause or that are the result of forces beyond our control. For example, in most instances we are not responsible for power outages or voltage fluctuations caused by weather-related conditions such as lightning, storms, heat, cold or other acts of nature involving trees, birds or other animals.

You also have a responsibility to protect yourself and your property. You must mitigate your damages, which means that you have the duty to try to minimize the damage such as obtaining ice to prevent food spoilage and to make sure that losses or expenses incurred because of an incident are not accumulating needlessly and that they are reasonable in relation to the loss.

Supporting Documentation 

You may expedite this process by providing an accurate statement of what occurred and complete supporting documentation of: itemized damages, detailed repair statements, receipts for out of pocket expenses and photographs. 

Food Spoilage Complaints

We evaluate food spoilage complaints based on the recommended guidelines from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the length of time the service was off if the freezer or refrigerator door remains unopened.

  • A fully stocked freezer will usually keep food frozen for two days after a loss.
  • A half-full freezer will usually keep food frozen about one day.
  • In the refrigerator, food will usually keep cold up to four hours.

Hurricanes are considered an act of nature and therefore JEA is not responsible for spoilage. JEA encourages customers to buy canned goods, not perishable items, and keep food stored in freezers to a minimum during hurricane season.

Claim Options

You may wish to refer your claim to your insurance company. The insurer may be able to reimburse you for your loss. 

JEA takes pride in evaluating all claims fairly. If your claim is denied, we will explain the reason for the denial. If you are not satisfied with our decision and explanation, you have the right, at any time in the claims process, to file a court action.

Check the Status of Your Claim 

Please contact JEA's Risk Management Claims department at (904) 776-7352 or email

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