Commercial Deposit Information
The minimum deposit for a Commercial Account can be the same amount required for a minimum residential account (if there is no historical record of consumption):
- Electric: $200.00
- Water and Sewer: $100.00
- Irrigation: $50.00
- Wastewater only: $75.00
- Water only: $50.00
If there is a record of previous usage, the amount of the Commercial Account Deposit can be determined to be two (2) times the monthly billed consumption average at the current applicable rate. JEA does and will calculate deposits for non-residential accounts based on the size of the service, the estimated hours of operation, and/or proposed equipment to be used with no monetary cap; and it is for this reason that JEA has developed other methods for commercial account holders to fulfill their deposit requirement.
Non-residential customers may provide the following security in lieu of cash deposits:
- Irrevocable letter of credit
- Indemnity/Surety Bond Deposit Form (PDF)
Property Managerial Accounts
Every account must be reevaluated for its proper customer class and deposits before adding more services. Consolidated Billing for Residential Addresses (CAB) and Consolidated Billing for Commercial Addresses (CBS) Accounts with debt 42 days or older can not apply for additional service until past due balance has been paid in full.
If any Property Manager wants to start additional utility services, they must agree to have all of the services on one consolidated bill and one of the following:
- Payment in full for past due amount.
- Accept financial responsibility for additional utility services.
- Provide Company name, FEI number and other relevant customer information required by JEA.
- Provide and maintain a deposit equal to the two (2) times the average monthly consumption (typically the last twelve (12) months) for their account or two (2) times their estimated usage on all premises (if twelve (12) months billing history is unavailable).
- Non-cash deposits as defined in the CR40400 MBC 302 are acceptable.
- Fax JEA an authorized agent letter signed by the property owner and notarized with all the owner’s information required by JEA:
- Owner’s current address
- List of authorized user’s
- Mandatory passwords
If any Property Owner wants to start additional utility services, they must agree to have all of their services on one consolidated bill and either one of the following as required:
- If the number of premises is between 1-4 premises, you may maintain Residential Classification.
- If the number of premises is 5-9 premises, including their personal residence, the property owner’s account is established as a Commercial classification
- If the number of premises is ten (10) or greater, including their personal residence, then the property owner must establish an account as a CBS for customer and collection classifications for the premises which is subject to our commercial deposit requirements.
When the property owner provides full and legitimate credit information including their full social security number that is documented in the JEA Customer Information and Billing System, and complies with JEA Good Customer Relationship and additional deposit required may be waived.
Provide and maintain a deposit equal to two (2) times the average monthly consumption (typically the last twelve (12) months) for their account, or two (2) times their estimated usage on all premises (if twelve (12) months billing history is unavailable.
Note: Blanket Deposits may apply to Commercial Property Management Accounts.
Deposits for Temporary Service
Temporary electric, water, and ground water discharge services are provided to a customer upon request and approval by JEA. These requests are often made by builders of new housing developments, individuals establishing a campaign office and customers in need of the use of a temporary fire hydrant. When temporary or miscellaneous service agreements are in effect, the deposits for services are as follows:
Temporary Electric
Eligible customers may apply for temporary metered electric service as approved by JEA (for example: TP01, TSRM etc). A minimum deposit of $60.00 is required for each temporary electric service point. This deposit amount may be reviewed and increased based on actual metered consumption as deemed appropriate by JEA.
Customers requesting service for political campaign use will be subject to the same requirements of a new customer and governed by JEA credit and collections policies and procedures for active accounts. The customer must make the request in accordance with applicable political campaign laws. (Florida Statutes 106.021 & 106.11)
Prior to Area Light installation, a contract for the lighting service is executed by the customer and JEA. The initial term of the contract is (3) years. In the event the light is removed prior to expiration of the first (3) year contract, either at the customer’s request or for non-payment of a bill, a “Take Down” fee shall be assessed to the customer. Average cost per fixture is calculated monthly based on information available in the current Electric Rate Tariff.
Temporary Water
Eligible customers may apply for a temporary hydrant water meter in accordance with JEA’s Fire Hydrant Meter Policy and Procedure. A deposit of $1500.00 will be required for each hydrant meter assembly. No credits for water usage charges will be allowed against these deposits.
The deposit for these services will be returned to the customer when the assembly is brought back to JEA and all water, usage and late fees have been paid in full. JEA may utilize the deposit obtained under this policy to satisfy final charges associated with these services.
Learn more about our fire hydrant policy
Temporary Ground Water Discharge
Customers who are authorized by JEA Environmental Services Group to discharge groundwater into JEA’s sewer system will be assessed a minimum deposit amount of $300.00 upon application for service. This deposit amount may be reviewed and modified based on actual metered consumption as deemed appropriate by JEA.
Business Energy Advisor
JEA’s Business Energy Advisor can help you save time, money and energy. It's your source for actionable advice on proven energy management strategies and technologies.
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There are lots of last-minute things to do when moving to a new home. That’s why we’ve made it easy to cross one thing off your list.
Small Business Hub
We partner with you to create custom combinations of tech products and services that drive the outcomes your business needs. * {box-sizing: border-box;} body {font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;} .mySlides {display: none;} img {vertical-align: middle;} /* On smaller screens, decrease text size */ @media only screen and (max-width: 300px) { .text {font-size: 11px} } /* jhljkhjkhlkhlkjhkljhkjhlkjhklh */ * { box-sizing: border-box; } body { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } /* Float four columns side by side */ .column { float: left; width: 25%; padding: 0 10px; } /* Remove extra left and right margins, due to padding */ .row {margin: 0 -5px;} /* Clear floats after the columns */ .row:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } /* Responsive columns */ @media screen and (max-width: 600px) { .column { width: 100%; display: block; margin-bottom: 20px; } } /* Style the counter cards */ .card { box-shadow: 0 4px 8px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); padding: 16px; text-align: center; background-color: #f1f1f1; } Solutions tailored to fit your business... We partner with you to create custom combinations of tech products and services that drive the outcomes your business needs. Small Business We put the power of our team & infrastructure behind a range of solutions that are specially designed to help small businesses thrive. Enterprise & medium business We meet your organization on its own terms, with solutions tailored to pair seamlessly with your existing systems Public Sector We provide specialized expertise in designing custom solutions to integrate with legacy infrastructure and navigate complex regulations.. Partner Solutions Partner with JEA to deliver robust and reliable utility solutions to solve your challenges. -->