Economic Development Incentive Program
The JEA Economic Development Program is designed to provide a financial incentive for new commercial or industrial customers or existing customers who expand their business and add new jobs within the JEA service area. The aim of the program is to help the City of Jacksonville and JaxUSA promote economic growth.
New and existing customers whose new demand or incremental demand is a minimum of 300 kW at a single site of delivery and add at least 15 full-time employees in the JEA service territory are eligible for this program.
Service under this Rider shall be for six years from the commencement of service and will terminate at the end of the sixth year (see provision for customers greater than 5,000 kW in Program Provisions #5).
Customers must execute a six year Economic Development Program Electric Service Agreement with JEA and qualify for electric service under Rate Schedule General Service Demand (GSD), General Service Demand Time of Day (GSDT), General Service Large Demand (GSLD), or General Service Large Demand Time of Day (GSLDT).
Businesses that simply change their name or make another superficial change at an existing location (if the ownership and control over the premises are not changed) are not eligible to be on the Program. If a change of ownership of the same business occurs after the customer has initiated an Economic Development Program Rider Service Agreement, the successor customer may be allowed to continue the balance of the Agreement provided there are no reductions in employees or metered demand.
Election of this Rider precludes other Riders for new load. Load shifting between service delivery points within JEA's service territory is not allowed under this Rider. The customer must remain in good financial standing to participate in the Program. In some cases the program can last up to eight years with discounts starting at up to 35 percent in the first year.
Program Provisions
Discount Schedule by Year
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
The discount is applied to the demand, energy, and environmental charges. Existing customers receive a discount on these components on Incremental Load only. JEA will establish a twelve month baseline usage for each qualifying existing customer. Such baseline will reflect the billed peak kW and highest kWh consumption for the 12 month period immediately preceding the customer's Economic Development Program application. The portion of the customer's demand and energy which has increased above the baseline as a result of expansion shall be called the Incremental Load.
The discount does not apply to customer charges, fuel, excess KVAR, penalties, service charges, Gross Receipts Tax or other applicable taxes including franchise fees.
Program Approval
Customers must complete an application for program approval. Following approval, customers shall notify JEA in writing when either the planned increase has been met or the minimum program requirements are met, and then must execute a Service Agreement. The discount will apply to the customers monthly bills generated after the execution of the Service Agreement, with no retroactive discount. For the initial monthly bill, the discount will be applied on the next full billing cycle following execution of the Service Agreement.
Customers with greater than 5,000 kW of metered demand may extend the Year 1 discount 24 months to accommodate site construction. The Year 2 discount will begin 36 months from the start of the Year 1 discount.
Load and employees must be initially verified, and the customer must submit each year on the anniversary of their service agreement updated employment verification documentation. The City of Jacksonville Office of Economic Development, the City of Jacksonville Chamber of Commerce and JEA each have their own process for verifying the number of additional employees at businesses applying for or on the Program.
Tariff Document
The Program will be added as a Rider in the prevailing JEA Electric Tariff Documentation. This proposed modification to JEA's Electric Tariff Documentation was filed with the Florida Public Service Commission and approved at a Public Rate Hearing by the JEA's board of directors.
Concurrent Initiatives
If the Federal or Florida State Government, regulatory body or task force promulgates, legislates, or in any way institutes statutes, rules or other regulatory requirements or objectives that provide for discounts to electric service, JEA reserves the right to immediately remove the Program from its Rate Tariff.
Business Energy Advisor
JEA’s Business Energy Advisor can help you save time, money and energy. It's your source for actionable advice on proven energy management strategies and technologies.
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Small Business Hub
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