Lomax Street Water Improvement Project

Estimated Dates & Work Schedule

Anticipated Start Date: 2023-04-10
Anticipated End Date: 2023-07-12

Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.*

*In some circumstances, extended hours and weekends may be required.  

Project Objective

As part of the Galvanized Pipe Replacement Program to modernize more than 200 miles of JEA’s existing potable water distribution system, JEA replaced and upgraded portions of the water lines on Lomax Street between Riverside Avenue and the St. Johns River.  

These pipes were approaching the end of their useful service lives and were proactively replaced to ensure the reliability of the JEA water system in the area. Once this project is completed, there will be increased water pressure, fewer unplanned water repairs, and fewer unplanned water outages in the area. 

Construction Conditions

Construction primarily occurred in City of Jacksonville rights-of-way and utility easements. 

 Lomax Q 25_Night


Paving Notice - Temporary Road Closure & Detour - July 11, 2023

A paving contractor (Warren’s Asphalt) working for JEA will be paving the areas disturbed during construction. For the safety of our crews and the general public, we will be required to temporarily close and detour traffic around the work area while paving is completed. We request that residents within the paving boundaries remove all vehicles, equipment and trash receptacles until the paving operation is complete. 

Residents and businesses in the immediate area will have limited access to their street and driveways during paving operations. Any vehicles left on the street may be towed to complete the work.


  • Date: July 11, 2023*
  • Work Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.*
    *Date and times are subject to change.

We ask that drivers observe all construction signs, detours and general directions provided by the crews working on-site. JEA encourages drivers to take alternate routes or plan ahead for traffic delays in this area. We appreciate your patience and apologize in advance for any delays. This work will not affect your normal JEA  electric, water or sewer service.

In the event of schedule delays or other unforeseen circumstances encountered during construction, paving will be rescheduled for a later date.