College Street Water Improvement Project

Estimated Dates & Work Schedule

Anticipated Start Date: 2022-03-07
Anticipated End Date: 2022-09-30

Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.*

*In some circumstances, evening/overnight hours and weekends may be required. 

Project Objective

As part of the Galvanized Pipe Replacement Program to modernize more than 200 miles of JEA’s existing potable water distribution system, JEA crews replaced and upgraded portions of the water lines on Hunt Street, Summer Street, Winter Street and Lenox Square.

These pipes were approaching the end of their useful service lives and needed to be proactively replaced to ensure the reliability of the JEA water system in the area. This project will provide increased water pressure, fewer unplanned water repairs, and fewer unplanned water outages in the area. 

Construction Conditions

Construction primarily occurred in City of Jacksonville rights-of-way and easements. 

Paving Notice - Temporary Road Closures January 30th - February 3rd

A paving contractor working for JEA will be returning to complete final paving of the project area to include Nolan Street, Hunt Street, Edison Street, Gilmore Street, Dellwood Avenue, and Owen Avenue.. For the safety of our crews and the general public, we will be required to temporarily close and detour traffic around the work area while paving is completed. Please see a map of the work area below. 


Anticipated Start Date: Monday, January 30, 2023*

Estimated Completion Date: Friday, February 3, 2023*

Time: 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.*

*Dates and times are weather permitting and highly subject to change.

We request that residents within the paving boundaries remove all vehicles, equipment and trash receptacles until the paving operation is complete. Residents in the immediate area will have limited access to their street and driveways during paving operations from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.*.

Any vehicles left on the street may be towed.

JEA encourages drivers to take alternate routes or plan ahead for traffic delays in this area. Residents will have access to their properties and be permitted to drive (with caution) within the project work area. Traffic control personnel (flaggers) will be on-site as needed to assist with traffic. Please observe all construction signs, detours and general directions provided by the crews working on-site. 

This work will not impact your JEA electric, water and/or sewer service. We appreciate your continued patience during this project, and apologize in advance for any delays caused by this work. 

Galvanized Water Improvement Project Paving Area Map

Restoration of the Project Area

Restoration of the project area will begin after the new water main has been installed, tested and cleared for use.  Upon completion of the project, any existing pavement, grass, curb, gutter, driveways or sidewalks affected during construction will be returned to its pre-construction condition.