Marietta Well Pump Replacement Project

Estimated Dates & Work Schedule

Anticipated Start Date: 2017-01-01
Anticipated End Date: 2018-06-30

This project has been completed. The below information was provided to area residents. 

    Project Objective

    JEA completed replacement of the potable water well pump located at 8134 Oklahoma Road. This well is one (1) of over 122 active wells that are part of JEA’s regional water supply transmission system.  This new well pump will improve our system’s overall reliability and help us to continue to provide a robust water supply throughout JEA’s service territory. 

    Construction Conditions

    This work will not affect your JEA water or sewer service. Construction activities will take place on JEA’s property, and within the City of Jacksonville rights of way, easements and roads. This work will require the use of very large equipment, trucks and generators to make upgrades to the well.

    JEA will also be required to flush the water from the well on multiple occasions using above ground piping and nearby drainage ditches or structures. This water is un-chlorinated well water that is safe for the environment. Constuction activity onsite will be continuous throughout the entire project duration. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience.