Power Restoration Process

Once the height of the storm passes and weather reports indicate it is safe, JEA immediately enters the restoration phase of our emergency operations. Our “Restoration 1-2-3” process is designed to assess and repair our facilities and restore power across our 900-square-mile service territory as quickly and safely as possible.
Phase 1: Public Safety
As soon as weather conditions permit, JEA begins assessing our facilities, making critical repairs to our power plants, transmission lines, substations, and water and sewer facilities. We then restore power to our local hospitals, shelters, and police
and fire stations, and make repairs to the “backbone” of our electric grid that will bring the majority of our customers back into power as quickly as possible.
What You Can Do
Stay Safe: Phase
1 is our public safety phase, and we appreciate your patience as we restore these critical services first. If possible, stay off the roads, and avoid downed power lines.
Phase 2: Individual Customers
With public safety repairs complete, JEA will announce that we are entering Phase 2 and restoring power for individual customers. Utility crews now begin making repairs by electric “circuits” – repairing an entire circuit of approximately 2,500 homes
before moving on to another circuit. Priority is given to making repairs that will restore power to the most customers.
What You Can Do
Report Your Outage: You can report your outage anytime you need to — before, during or after a storm. Call
(904) 665-6000 or report your power outage online. If you’ve already registered for JEA alerts, you
can also text “OUT” to MyJEA (69532).
Learn more about reporting power outages
Phase 3: Final Repairs
When repairs to all major circuits are complete, JEA will enter Phase 3, targeting the few remaining isolated outages. We know this phase can be the most frustrating for those few customers who are still without power, and we appreciate your continued patience as we direct all our resources toward completing the restoration process. Rest assured, we won’t stop until everyone has power.
What You Can Do
If you still don’t have power: Sometimes,
major storms can cause damage to your home that will prevent your power from coming back on even though JEA has made all necessary repairs to your circuit. If everyone else in your neighborhood has power and you don’t, please call (904) 665-6000
so JEA can help you determine the cause of your continued outage.
To help us better assist you:
- Check your circuit breaker: Have any switches been tripped? If your home has any storm-related flooding, address this issue first before attempting to assess any home electrical problems.
- Make a visual inspection of the outside of your home: Is there any visible damage to your weatherhead – the place where electric wires attach to your home? If you are unsure, check out our weatherhead infographic.
- Steer clear of downed power lines: Are there any wires dangling on the ground that should be connected to your home? Call (904) 630-CITY to report it.
- If you’re returning home after evacuating: Enter cautiously and look for signs of flooding or other damage.
- Power up gradually: Turn on your appliances one at a time to prevent power surges.
View Current Outages
Report and track any service issue you're experiencing, or monitor the status an electrical outage.
Related Links
Generator Safety
Portable generators can offer convenience during periods of prolonged power outages. They can also be dangerous if used improperly. Please review this information if you plan to use a portable generator:
Mutual Aid
At JEA, we believe in the power of community. That’s why we’ve signed mutual aid agreements with utilities in Florida and Georgia to help work together to restore power after damaging storms.