My Bill Explanation
Perplexed by all those line items on your bill? You can find all the answers here by viewing the various bill sections below.
- At JEA, we want to make doing business with us as easy as possible. And we know one of the main ways you hear from us is through your monthly bill.
- That’s why, beginning this month, we’re making improvements to your bill to make it cleaner, crisper and easier to read.
- Our new bills will feature more color – specifically color coding to correspond to each JEA service you receive -- along with a new pie chart to show your monthly usage at a glance.
- Also no more worrying about loose inserts in your envelope. Now we’re adding important reminders and program information on the back of your bill.
- We’re also adding a helpful QR code so you can view and pay your bill from your smartphone if you choose.
- Whether you get your bill in the mail or review it online, we’ve got you covered. New bills arrive in mid-January.
- Customer Name:This area reflects the customer's name.
- Account #: Your new account number is used to check your account when contacting JEA or to pay your bills online at
- Cycle: JEA has 20 billing cycles. Each account is assigned to one of the 20 billing cycles and is billed once a month.
- Bill Date: This reflects the date you are billed for your services.
- Total Summary of Charges: This reflects the total of all the services you receive from JEA. A complete breakdown for each of these services is listed on page two.
- Message Area: Check this space for important information about your account status, along with money-saving tips on conservation and updates on new products.
- Previous Balance: This reflects the amount that was due on your account last month.
- Payment(s) Received: This area reflects any payments received since your last bill.
- Balance Before New Charges: This reflects the difference between your previous balance and payments received since your last bill.
- New Charges: This reflects any charges that were posted to your account for the current month.
- Please Pay: This area reflects any past due amount, as well as any new charges for the current month.
- Neighbor to Neighbor/Prosperity Scholarship Fund check box: Check this box if you'd like to donate to JEA's Neighbor to Neighbor | Fund or the Prosperity Scholarship Fund. Please be sure to fill in the amount you would like to donate. This amount will be added to your bill each month until you tell us you no longer wish to contribute.
- Change of Address box: Check this area if you need to update your address, telephone number or email address. Please be sure to fill out the reverse side of this form with your new telephone number or address.
- Statement Information: These are definitions of the line items found in the details section of your bill for each type of service.
- Address Correction:Fill this area out if you have had a change in address, telephone number or email address. Please be sure to also check the corresponding box on the front of the payment coupon.
- Electric Service: You'll find a detailed breakdown of all electrical service charges in this section.
- Irrigation Service: You'll find a detailed breakdown of all your irrigation service charges in this section.
- Sewer Service: You'll find a detailed breakdown of all your sewer service charges in this section.
- Water Service:You'll find a detailed breakdown of all your water service charges in this section.
- JEA SolarSmart Service:You'll find a detailed breakdown of SolarSmart refunds and usage in this section.
Learn more about these charges
- Consumption History:You'll find a detailed breakdown of your consumption history in this section. The graph shows the last 13 months of your water and electric consumption. The chart below the graph shows your consumption one year ago, last month, this month, and the average amount used daily.
For More Information
If you have questions about a specific charge on your bill contact us.
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